Jul 3, 2022BEST1Clinical Features and Genetic Findings of Autosomal Recessive BestrophinopathyReport on ten patients with ARB due to mutations in BEST1 characterizing their clinical features and genetic mutations.
Feb 18, 2022BEST1Novel mutations in the BEST1 gene cause distinct retinopathies in two Chinese familiesZhi-Hong Zhu , Xin Jin , Yi-Xin Zhang , Rui Wang , Tong Wu , Wei Liu , Ze-Hua Chen , Hai-Nan Xie , Lan-Lan Chen , Zi-Hao Liu , Hou-Bin...
Dec 13, 2019BEST1Investigation and Restoration of BEST1 Activity in Patient-derived RPEs with Dominant MutationsRetinal phenotypes of six BVMD patients with different BEST1 mutations.
Sep 29, 2016BEST1Association of a BEST1 Mutation with Retinitis PigmentosaBEST1 mutations play a role in some cases of RP. However, it's difficult to understand why some mutations associate with peripheral retinal
Mar 29, 2016BEST1Retinitis pigmentosa associated with a mutation in BEST1Presents a patient with a clinical phenotype consistent with classic features of RP.
May 2, 2009BEST1Spectrum of the ocular phenotypes caused by BEST1 gene mutationsHistopathologic observations in BEST1-related diseases that expand our insight in the pathogenesis. Plus perspectives on future therapeutics